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Big Idea 2015: How Digital and Health Will Converge for a Better You



In CEO Denise Morrison’s latest article as a LinkedIn Influencer, she discusses the rise of “quantified lives” as a trend that will shape 2015. The “quantified self” movement is becoming increasingly important in people’s lives as they take charge of their well-being and health through the use of wearable technology and data.

Receiving this instant feedback from numerous devices from health bands or smartphone apps is changing the way people today eat, exercise, work and sleep.

Denise writes:

“Why am I so interested in this movement? Two reasons. First, Campbell has been responding to consumers’ increasing focus on health and well-being by reshaping our portfolio to offer a growing range of packaged fresh and organic foods. Second, I believe it’s really important to understand how consumer behavior is evolving as the digital shift continues to transform our lives.”

Read the whole article on LinkedIn and join the discussion on the trends that will shape 2015. Also be sure to follow Denise on LinkedIn.
