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On top of marble counter: Soup, Goldfish, Tomatoes, Pretzels, Wheat, Photos of family eating, Campbell employees planting

Our Impact

We make the greatest impact through our food. Food that people trust. Food that supports our communities. Food that gives our employees opportunities to thrive. Food that helps create a healthier, more sustainable environment. 

Connecting people through food they love is our purpose. We believe that food creates connections—to each other and to the world we share and care for—and these connections enrich our lives. Here’s how we deliver. 

Trusted Food

Family sharing meal

Focusing on health and well-being, affordability, accessibility, and transparency

In 1869, a fruit merchant and a commercial canner had a simple idea—use the best ingredients to make the most delicious, wholesome food affordable to all. Over 150 years later, we continue delivering on this idea with food you can feel good about eating—made with ingredients you can trust.

accessible food

73 %

of M&B division products meet the criteria for at least one federal nutrition feeding program.

family meals

50 %

of M&B family meal recipes cost $3 or less per serving.


54 %

of sales from our products meet our Nutrition Focused Foods criteria.

Latest nutrition news 

Vibrant Communities

Student holding apple

Focusing on improving food access and education, strengthening communities, and sourcing responsibly

We’re passionate about strengthening the communities where our food is made and our ingredients are grown. We support organizations that work to increase food access, encourage healthy living, and nurture the neighborhoods where we live and work. 

Full Futures is our signature program to ensure all students are well nourished and ready to thrive at school and in life. Our employee giving program, Campbell’s Cares, empowers our employees to give back to the organizations they believe in and to volunteer.  

Learn more about how we help strengthen and empower vibrant communities—from the farmers we source from to the neighborhoods we call home.  

Community Support 

$71.8 M

in food and funds donated in fiscal 2023. 


8.6 K

students in Camden and Charlotte supported through our Full Futures programming.



service hours contributed by our employees in fiscal 2023.

Latest in community news 

Thriving People

R&D employees smiling in kitchen

Focusing on building a winning team and culture, prioritizing inclusion and diversity, and caring for our people

We want all our employees to have opportunities to thrive. We’re creating an inclusive, high-performing culture where all our employees can be real and feel safe, valued, and supported to do their best work. At the end of the day, caring for our people is the most important thing we do. 

Life at Campbell’s

Healthy Environment

Wheat growing on Mays Family Farm

Focusing on combating climate change, promoting sustainable water supplies, working to eliminate waste, and improving circularity in packaging

We’re committed to building a more resilient, sustainable food system that improves the planet we share. We believe in food from farms that nurture the land, made and packaged in ways that conserve natural resources, to create a sustainable future for generations to come.


7 %

reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions from a 2020 base year, towards our goal of 42% by 2030.

responsible sourcing

99.9 %

of priority raw materials are responsibly sourced, nearing our goal of 100% by fiscal 2025.


92 %

of packaging transitioned to recyclable or industrially compostable designs and materials, towards our goal of 100% by 2030.

Latest sustainability news

Selfie with employees at food bank

Awards and recognition 

Through transparent practices, we aim to grow stronger and continue our legacy of lasting positive impact. Check out some of the recognition we’ve received for our environmental, social, and governance work.

Goals, Governance, and Reporting

Our strategy, goals and progress, governance mechanisms, reports, and policies

We believe in providing useful and transparent information about our work, goals, progress, strategies, and policies. Take a look at the progress we’ve made so far.

ESG Framework blocks

Read our report and explore our ESG goals

Read our 2024 report (PDF)

Explore our goals (PDF)

Keep exploring 

Interested in learning more about our company? Here are some additional areas to explore.